
Unplanned pregnancy is very common
As many as one in three women in the UK have had an abortion at some time in their life. If your pregnancy was unplanned, you may feel some mixed emotions. The decision to have an abortion (termination of pregnancy) is not easy and it can be a very emotional time for those involved; talking
it through with experienced professionals can help.
If you live in Ayrshire and Arran, have had a positive pregnancy test and are unsure if you wish to continue with the pregnancy, you can discuss it with us. Your decision to have an abortion and your treatment are confidential matters between you and the healthcare team.
Please note: women who live in Northern Ireland who wish to self-refer to a clinic to discuss abortion are eligible for NHS treatment in Ayrshire and Arran (at no cost) so should contact us on the number below.
There are 3 ways that you can be referred to our clinic:
If you wish to self-refer please call
01563 827025
between the hours of 10am to 1pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).
Please ensure you are able to speak privately when you call. You will be asked for some personal details relating to your appointment.
Your GP, practice nurse, community midwife or sexual health staff are also able to refer you to these clinics. If you think you might be pregnant don’t delay – contact us or go to your GP as soon as possible.

What will happen next?
You will have a telephone appointment with staff from the Women’s Health Unit at the Ayrshire Maternity Unit. The doctor or nurse will explain your options in detail, ask about medications you are taking and medical problems you might have. They might arrange for you to be seen briefly on Day Ward as long as you are well and don’t show any signs of Corona virus infection. You must tell the team if you are self-isolating, have symptoms of corona virus or have had a positive corona virus test. We will make different arrangements for you.
Most terminations are done by taking medication. If you are less than 10 weeks pregnant you may be able to collect the medication to take at home or can post it to you (EMAH- early medical abortion at home)
Patient leaflet
Please read our full patient leaflet here.
Useful Website
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have a useful section for helping women understand their options.
Click here to visit NICE abortion decision aid.
Click here to view community languages on medical abortion
Click here to visit NHS Inform
See below to watch a video on abortion.
Thanks to NHS Lothian for their permission to use this video.