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Appointments for Contraception

Appointments for Contraception are available at the sexual health clinics. Please call 01294 323 226 to arrange this.


We offer coils for contraception. If you require a coil for other reasons such as part of HRT or heavy bleeding ONLY you might have to ask your GP to refer you to gynaecology.


Please call 01294 323 226 to arrange this or book online here.


If you are on the contraceptive injection already and require a repeat appointment within 13 weeks book your appointment online here.

If you are within one year of childbirth or abortion, or are a Young Person under 18 or feel in any way vulnerable, please call us on 01294 323 226. Please be assured we treat your information with the utmost confidentiality.

Book you appointment here.

Sexual health can provide a range of contraceptive options. Contraception is required until menopause (or the age of 55) and if used correctly has a high chance of preventing pregnancy. Have a look at how effective a method is here.

There is a wide range of options and we’re happy to help you decide which method works best for you. Contraception can have added benefits such as helping you with heavy or painful periods. We are happy to help you choose the right one for you. You can find out more about all different types of contraception available on the NHS inform website.

Contraception is free for all women and men through the NHS in the UK. Ayrshire and Arran offers a free condom service called C-card.

You can get contraception from your GP and practice nurse and Pharmacist.

Some pharmacies offer some forms of contraception. Please check if there is a pharmacy close to you offering this service here. The young people service provides contraception for young people age 17 and under.

Things to consider when choosing contraception

Contraceptive choices

Contraceptive Options

Sexual health can provide a range of contraceptive options.

Contraception is required until menopause (or the age of 55) and if used correctly has a high chance of preventing pregnancy. There is a wide range of options and we’re happy to help you decide which method works best for you:

Contraception is free for all women and men through the NHS in the UK.

Ayrshire and Arran offers a free condom service called C-card.

You can get contraception from your GP and practice nurse and Pharmacist.

Some pharmacies offer some forms of contraception. Please check if there is a pharmacy close to you offering this service here.

The young people service provides contraception for young people age 17 and under.

The NHS inform website  has more information on where to get contraception.

We are happy to help you choose the right one for you. You can find out more about all different types of contraception available on the NHS inform website.

Things to consider when choosing contraception

Contraceptive choices

I think I need emergency contraception


I want a contraception I don’t have to remember to take every day

We offer long lasting contraception options such as the copper and medicated coils and Implants. We also provide options like the contraceptive injection and patch which last between 1 and 3 months. 

You can book an appointments for:

Coils (IUD/IUS). To fit, remove or remove & fit a new coil.

Implants. To fit, remove or remove & fit a new implant.


Coil appointments

I am happy to have a daily, weekly monthly method of contraception

We can provide a range of different contraceptive options including:

Free condoms

The combined hormonal pill

The progestogen-only pill 

Combined hormonal patch

Combined hormonal vaginal ring


Female condom

Natural family planning

 I want a permanent form of contraception


Female sterilization

Female Sterilisation

What is it?

A permanent method of contraception which stops egg and sperm meeting

How does Female Sterilisation work?

The fallopian tubes are cut, sealed or blocked, which stops sperm and egg meeting.

How effective is Female Sterilisation?

In most cases it is over 99% effective with 1 in 200 failing (this can be at any time, even many years after the operation).

What are the advantages of Female Sterilisation?

It is a permanent method of contraception, it does not interrupt sex, once the operation has worked you don’t have to think about contraception. Periods are unaffected.

What are the disadvantages of Female Sterilisation?

It requires an operation which will need a general anaesthetic. There is a small increased risk of ectopic pregnancy if the operation fails. If you change your mind the NHS will not reverse the operation, not give you fertility treatment. Even if you pay for these privately they may not work.

Does Female Sterilisation protect against infection?

No, condoms are the only form of contraception which give protection against some infections.

How do I get it?

Ask your GP to refer you for a Sterilisation discussion appointment

I have just had a baby





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