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Clinics for Young People

Young People’s Clinics for 13-17 years

After school appointments and drop ins are now available for young people 13-17 yrs.

Call 01294 323226 or come along:
Monday – Central Clinic, Kilmarnock 16.00-17.30
Tuesday – The Gatehouse, Ayrshire Central Hospital 16.00-17.30
Wednesday – East Ayrshire Community Hospital, Cumnock – drop in 1300-1430
Thursday – The Gatehouse, North Ayr Health Centre, Ayr 15.00-16.30

We recommend

  • Practice safer sex– use a condom You can now have access to free condoms by
    downloading the C Card app from Apple App store or Google play on your mobile phone.
  • Contraception– make sure you have enough contraceptive pills/arrange your next depo injection in time
  • Don’t delay emergency contraception– call us on 01294 323226
  • Abortion Service-if you need advice about abortion please call 01563 827025


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