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Women’s Health


Introduction to Women’s Sexual Health

Sexual health is important for a woman’s well-being, whether you’re trying to prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections or you’re worried about fertility or other problems related to woman’s sexual health. This means enjoying the sexual activity you want, safely, without causing you or anyone else any suffering, either physical or mental. If you need information or help there is loads of information on NHS websites.

You can also speak to a helpline or someone at your GP practice.

Who Should Come For Cervical Screening?

Cervical screening is a quick test to check your cervix for the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV).

We do not offer appointments for routine smear tests. This must be arranged via your GP practice. You’ll be invited for routine screening every 5 years if you have a cervix and are between 25 and 64 years of age.

If you are attending the sexual health clinic for another reason and a smear is due, we may be able to offer a smear test at the same appointment.

My Body Back West of Scotland Service

This service offers cervical screening (smear tests) for people who have experienced rape or sexual violence and are due or overdue for the screening test.

Click here to view the My Body Back Project.

Trans and non-binary people

Even if you have had a hysterectomy you may still have a cervix and are still eligible for screening. Please speak to your GP if you have any queries.

Are smear tests guaranteed to stop women getting cancer?

Regular smear tests prevent 80 – 90% of the cancers that would occur if they weren’t done.

Speak to your GP if you experience:

· Unusual discharge

· Bleeding after sex

· Bleeding between periods

· Bleeding after the menopause

These are usually caused by something other than cancer but it’s important to have them checked.

Useful links:

Further information about cervical screening, who is invited and what to expect 

Information in other languages

Smear tests for people who have experience rape or sexual violence

Smear test information for people with a learning disability

Cervical screening and menopause

Menstrual Health

If you have questions about your periods, there are some useful links below.

If you are having problems, help is available. You can speak to your GP or practice nurse. They are quite used to talking about periods and will be happy to try and help you. Common problems are heavy, painful periods; bleeding between periods; bleeding after sex; long gaps between periods and changes in mood about the time of a period. You should see a doctor if you get any of these.

Remember you can get sanitary products for free!

Periods | NHS inform 

Periods and Period Problems | Patient 

Managing premenstrual syndrome (PMS) patient information leaflet (rcog.org.uk) 

How to Deal with Your Period | Young Scot 

Myth Buster – Hey Girls 

Finding out your partner has HPV on a cervical screening test can sound worrying. Here are some answers to common questions

Domestic Abuse and Gender Based Violence

Click here for information.



Menopause is the time when a woman stops having periods and her ovaries stop producing eggs and hormone levels change. It usually happens between age 45 and 55, but sometimes menopause can start earlier and it is important that these women are given good support and advice. Menopause may also happen after hysterectomy, especially where the ovaries are removed and after some cancer treatments.

The menopause is a stage which all women will go through at some time. For some women this is a difficult time as they experience a variety of symptoms. There is lots of information available and support to help women through this.  Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can help to reduce symptoms.  Most women are able to use HRT and can contact their GP surgery for advice. There are also other treatments which can help with symptoms.  Ayrshire has a specialist menopause clinic and GPs can refer patients who have other health problems or poorly controlled symptoms.

Menopause – Easy Read | Translations (nhsinform.scot)

Let’s talk about menopause leaflet

Menopause and Menopause Hormone Therapy

Patient Information Leaflet – Vulval Care

Menopause and Menopause Hormone Therapy

Dumfries House offer a holistic free programme for menopause. If you live in Ayrshire this is free and you need to be referred by your GP. Please click here for further information

For further information leaflets Click here


Private Testing

Many over-the-counter and online test kits are now available. However, these may contain unnecessary tests that lead to confusion. This excellent leaflet talks about what tests are and are not recommended. If you’re considering using private testing, please read this first. If you have symptoms, please book an appointment with the Sexual Health clinic for an assessment.

STI Testing Through Private Providers Leaflet

Pelvic Floor Muscles


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